Thursday, September 18, 2008

A day in the box

I just found an old pocket brain from my second boat in which I jotted down some notes about how the watch was going that day.

1807--Coulston not watching panel, and again at 1808 (x4)
1809--Stevie Six Fingers takes long time for logs
1810--LTJG Valdespino tells another Uncle Stevo gook whore story. Frank molests RO. Coulston looks away from panel again (x3)
1811--Coulston uses pump noise monitor excuse to not watch panel. Hogue enters maneuvering to clean, his head is no longer oozing
1812--Sound transient Franks gut. Hogue completes after watch cleanup. Jones enters and gives. Mr. Valdespino is still talking.
1813--Frank grabs RO's crank
1814--Amp hour meter clicks scares Coulston again. Coulston uses checking for expected conditions excuse to not watch panel.
1815--Nevitt ponders the possibility of knocking someones jizz out of their ass by punching them in the junk.
1816--Coulston faces away from other watch standers providing no watch team backup. Uses the Frank cleaning excuse, then looks away from panel again.
1818--RO notes Coulston's neck beard needs a trim, Coulston replies "It's not as bad as Parker's"
1820--Coulston looks nervous. Throttleman U/I says watching Coulston is like watching Wild Kingdom. From the RO's angle it appears that Frank is orally pleasuring Coulston. Valdespino appologizes for Coulster nickname.
1821--RO asks for head from Frank then refuses advances vehemently
1822--Old fart with old balls and warts enters maneuvering
1823--RO still being molested. Old fart with old balls leaves
1824--Coulston chuckles about not looking at his panel and not getting caught, then gets caught
1825--Frank offers to polish RO's knob, then grabs RO's junk
1826--Prout runs scared, offers his U/I to take his place. U/I is very nervous. Coulston looks away from his panel again.
1827--Nevitt brings up Uncle Stevo's snakes Fred and Barney, now Mr. Valdespino will not shut up. Thanks, Nevitt.
1828--Frank tries to lube U/I with simple green, man is that cold. Frank leaves.
1829--See first entry. Coulston laughs through nose. Too many Coulston looking away from
panels to count.
1830--Fred and Barney reference did not cause Mr. Valdespino to chatter endlessly about them.

That was the last entry so I think we were getting ready for qual drills and I stopped writing. Anyway, to my one faithful reader, enjoy.
That's all for now, more later...


Anonymous said...

Wow - don't recall any of those specifics, but it sure sounds like a "day in the box."

You poor bastards...

Lwoodemc said...

Maybe I should have changed the names to protect the innocent

JustinC said...

This makes me sound like the worst EO ever.

Lwoodemc said...

little green pocket brain does not lie.