Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The chilli mac was chilly
and the fatty steaks were too.
The roast beast, bad at dinner
was now to tough to chew.
The soup was way to salty
the bread covered in mold
Our complaints seem way to frequent
but this shit is getting old

Their job here is food service
their motto "Aim to please"
but if all this were the truth
they'd lay off the ham and cheese
They say "if you don't like, don't eat"
They tell us save our breath
but if we didn't eat the shit
we'd surely starve to death

It baffles one to wonder
but then, who would've thunk
our only hope of good food
would be processed chicken chunks.
So even though the food here sucks
we eat it with a frown
and it's a freaking miracle
we even keep it down

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